Last Refresh: 2024-09-17 08:10 PM | Website Status: Operational
Total Cases

(+ )

Total Death


Total Recovered


Regional Digest for Toronto

Yesterday's Summary:
+92 Cases
+4 Deaths

Total Summary:
8603 Cases
683 Deaths

Note: The "Yesterday Summary" is updated once daily at about 8:30PM to show that day's summary.

Cases by Province

Data Last Updated: 2020-05-23 11:00:00
Province Cases New Cases Deaths New Deaths Recovered New Recovered


Last 30 Days. | Data Last Updated: 2020-05-23 11:00:00

Daily New Cases in Canada

Data Last Updated: 2020-05-23 11:00:00

Active Cases in Canada

Last 30 Days | Data Last Updated: 2020-05-23 11:00:00

Cases per Million People

Last 30 Days

Tests in Canada

Last 30 Days | Data Last Updated: 2020-05-22 21:00 EDT

Total Cases in Canada (Linear)

Ways to Assist the Canadian Government


Stay Informed

- Get the Canada COVID-19 application to receive updates and resources from trusted resources. This app enables you to track your daily symptoms (optional), check overall stats, provides resources, among many other features

Data Collection Initiative by Statistics Canada

You can help Statistics Canada in identifying and supporting the needs of Canadians by participating in a 5 minute data collection on the impact of COVID-19. Link Here

Notes to Visitors

Notes to Visitors
  • This website is updated 3 times a day.
  • All of the data with the exception of "regional data" is from verified government websites. "Regional Data" is a reference to city-wise data.
  • Thank you for visiting Stay Informed, Stay Healthy.


Although the data found here on this site has been produced and processed by third part sources believed to be reliable, no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the accuracy, adequacy, completeness, legality, reliability, or usefulness of any information.

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